Friday Quick Hits and Varia

It’s a sunny and almost summer-like Friday here in North Dakotaland. I’m a solid 75% ready to decamp for summer research leave and might even have time to fit in an afternoon jog today to try to mitigate some of the pre-travel anxiety.

2024-05-09 10.12.15.

Over the next few days, I’ll be traveling and have plans to keep my nose in a good book and recover a bit from what has turned out to be a hectic end of the semester. That means, regrettably that I’ll miss some of the more compelling games in the NBA playoffs and some decent fight cards over the next month or so. Alas, one of the many downsides of cramming my research time into a stretch of 8 weeks in the summer is that it is all I do for 8 weeks in the summer.

That said, I’m going to try to a better job of keeping up my blogging duty, even if my weekly pursuing of the web for quick hits and varia will have to take a bit of a back seat. (But you can always check out Pasts Imperfect for your varia hit or Joshua Nudell’s weekly quick hits.) 

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