Taking Friday Off!

I’m taking Friday off today to focus on reading a big book and relaxing a bit before the holiday.

Here are some dog photos. 

The first is Milo engaged in a “labor action” midway through his walk to protest “unsafe walking conditions.” For the record, the conditions were not unsafe in any way. 

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Here’s Argie on wintertime deer patrol:

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Upside Down Dog

It’s starting to feel a bit like time for a vacation this summer! I’m starting to wrap up a few projects including a review of the Sun Ra Arkestra’s most recent album (here, here, and here), a paper on Polis on Cyprus (here and here), and a few other things). 

I’m looking forward to watching some of the West Indies-Australia T20 match this evening, some of the Phillies-Red Sox series, and the Tour de France. 

I’m also pretty excited to read Alex Zamalin’s Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism (Columbia 2019) and Jayna Brown’s Black Utopias: Speculative Life and Music of Other Worlds (Duke 2021).

As a result, I’ve become a bit distracted from my usually continuous search for quick hits and varia.

Don’t fear! In their place, I offer an upside-down dog for your enjoyment!

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Some Fotos on Friday

Just a few quick photos today instead of anything more substantial.

First, you know the device that you’re using is high tech when it features a MONORAIL on its start-up screen:

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Good luck:

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It’s important for Argie to have Eli and both the bones:

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And it’s important for Milo not to care:

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Have a great weekend!